Boost Your ROI With Email Automation

Email automation is all about informing people at the right moment, when they are ready to act. Email automation helps you to create more relevant content, which does pay off! There has been a lot of performance data to support the importance of marketing automation softwares. With benefits like proper email list segmentation almost doubling email open rates, or decision makers viewing emails almost immediately by using their smartphones, it has become crucial to be aware of the benefits of automated email campaigns.

Gain a Better Understanding of Your Leads

One of the greatest benefits of email marketing automation software is that it allows you to gain a better understanding of your leads. Automation software will keep track of which emails your leads have opened, which links in the email they’ve clicked, and what forms they have filled, etc. With automation, you gain insight about what the lead is looking for and what content speaks to them. With this information, you can then add them to new lists in your marketing automation software like Juvlon and nurture them with content that’s specific to their needs.

Whether you are new to email marketing or are a seasoned guru, here is a quick list of statistics that’ll ensure your faith in opting for an email automation software:

Email Automation ROI (1)

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